sunset over timelapse busy city

More beautiful wallpapers from the

Night Walk Collection

fountain in a city
city nights
a road in a city
nighttime cityscape
evening city road
night skyline view
sunset over timelapse busy city
long exposure freeway
eerie cityscape at night
skyline nightlife
long exposure of a motorway
skyline with ferris wheel
cars on freeway
skyscraper lighted in the night
skyline at night
city skyline at night
road between buildings

Wallpaper Wizard 2

Wallpaper Wizard 2

A new desktop every day.

Good wallpapers are hard to find, but you’ve stumbled on something even better: a Mac app packed full of them. There are hundreds of images in Wallpaper Wizard, so you’ll never have to google “pretty wallpapers” again — even if you like a new desktop every day.