locked wooden gate painted blue

More beautiful wallpapers from the

Urban Colors Collection

red umbrella
locked wooden gate painted blue
picture frames
colorful squares
sky behind a building
storage container
white door with yellow wall
yellow doorway
orange hallway
crack in the cement
barred window on yellow wall
lady with umbrella
yellow door and wall
flowers in the tank
colorful background
door number 38
iron staircase
cutain on a building
weathered paint on door
colorful window
girl walking by yellow wall

Wallpaper Wizard 2

Wallpaper Wizard 2

A new desktop every day.

Good wallpapers are hard to find, but you’ve stumbled on something even better: a Mac app packed full of them. There are hundreds of images in Wallpaper Wizard, so you’ll never have to google “pretty wallpapers” again — even if you like a new desktop every day.